Thursday, April 18, 2013

Hoardzz Heroes Cutscene Art

 This is a cut scene for Hoardzz Heroes
B&W version

Monday, April 08, 2013

Character Layout drawings from "Heroes Verdaderoes"

I did an internship with Golden Street Animation in 2010 on the animated feature film "Heroes Verdaderos". It was a wonderful opportunity and I learned a whole lot about drawing, storytelling, and camera layout than I thought I'd ever learn. These are a few the storyboards and character layouts made with a final shot of the film at the bottom.

Hoardzz Heroes Player Portraits

Hoardzz Heroes Levels

Levels for Hoardzz Heroes.

Christmas Cats

“Christmas Cats”. I made it for the Toon Boom Twinkle House contest. I came in Second Place!

This is also featured on the Toon Boom Showcase.

Sunday, April 07, 2013

Drawing Swaps

I was drawing with my niece and nephew. I'm always getting asked "drawing people" tips so I did this demo. I usually end up trading away my drawings but time I snagged up a scan.
In exchange my niece drew this face for me. I liked it so much I told her I would color it. . . and I did. I can't get over how creative kids are. I swear my nephew has the best ideas for concept art.

Friday, February 01, 2013

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Speedy Little Paint

I painted this for fun. Probably took me about an hour. Mostly experimenting with texture and brushes. Of course I painted a rainbow on it.